Sunday, March 20, 2016

Progress Report: 3/20/16


  • Figured out how to access the ar drone’s navdata (cardinal orientation and angles, velocity, altitude, etc.)
  • Can read in this information and store it in local variables on the connected computer


  • Since I still haven’t tested out this new sensor data, I’m not sure how effective or accurate it will be
  • My program, which should find the most likely path and align the drone along it, doesn’t return the correct result when multiple lines are detected on the floor


  • Test out the navdata and store all relevant information (for now, that’s mostly just the drone’s velocity and altitude)
  • Use the velocity data to counter drifting
  • Fix the program to return the correct path results when given multiple possibilities
  • Incorporate a second color-thresholding method to find junctions, where the drone will stop and switch paths (a turn or fork in the path)

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