- We successfully downloaded OpenCV to work with the corresponding node.js module
- We successfully downloaded the opencv module for node.js, which can be combined with the ardrone module
- We’ve gone through some of the examples for image processing
- conversion to grayscale
- copying images
- saving and importing images
- creating a binary image highlighting pixels within a certain RGB range
- finding faces
- drawing circles
- The functions that enabled us to complete the image processing examples are very self-contained, and I have found it hard to learn to do things at a basic level:
- How to get the color of a pixel at a given location in the image matrix
- How to set the value of a pixel at a given location
- The format in which the pixel values are stored
- The coordinate system used to create the matrices
- Figure out the answers to the questions posed in the “Problems” section
- Feed in the drone’s video into a method using the opencv module, and display the video
- Run the image processing examples on the drone video pipeline
- Create a command loop that runs forever
- necessary to analyze images and send commands indefinitely
- Perhaps this would be in a form as simple as:
- for var i=0; i<N; i++ {
- delay 100
- turn 10˚ clock-wise
- }
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